feature films
2024 Sandbag Dam / Zečji nasip - Čejen Černić Čanak / Kinorama
2024 Wind Talk To Me / Vetre, pričaj sa mnom - Stefan Đorđević
2023 Observing / Opazovanje - Janez Burger / SI, IT, Staragara
2022 Safe Place / Sigurno mjesto - Juraj Lerotić / HR, SI, Pipser
2021 Down Chorus - Alessio Pizzicannella / IT, CH
2021 The Inventory / Inventura - Darko Sinko / SI, December
2020 The Dawn / Zora - Dalibor Matanić / IT, HR, Kinorama, Ascent Film
2019 Everything Is Different / Jaz sem Frenk - Metod Pevec / SI, Vetigo
2017 The Basics of Killing / Družinica - Jan Cvitković / SI, Perfo
2017 Ivan - Janez Burger / SI, IT Staragara, SFC
2016 Mother / Mama - Vlado Škafar / SI, IT, Gustav Film
2015 The High Sun / Zvizdan - Dalibor Matanić (SI, HR, SRB, Kinorama, Gustav Film, SEE Film Pro)
2015 The Beat of Love / Utrip ljubezni - Boris Petković (Gustav Film, SFC)
2011 A Trip / Izlet - Nejc Gazvoda (Invida, Perfo, SFC)
2010 Dad / Oča - Vlado Škafar (Gustav Film, Filmski Sklad RS)
tv series
2021 The Last Socialist Artefact / Područje bez signala / Dalibor Matanić / (Kinorama, Perfo, HTV) 6 ep.
2015 Road patrol / Patrola na cesti / Zvonimir Jurić (Kinorama, HTV) / 5 ep.
2014 The Lives of Tomaz Kajzer / Življenja Tomaža Kajzerja / Peter Bratuša (Felina Film, Arkadena, RTV Slovenija) / 6 ep.
short films
2018 The Last Day of Rudolf Nietche / Poslednji dan Rudolfa Nietcheja - Blaž Kutin / SI
2018 A Drive, a poem for my father / Vožnja, pesem za očeta - Irena Gatej / SI
2017 Quiet / Tiho - Barbara Zemljič
2017 Into The Blue / U Plavetnilo - Antoneta Kusijanović / SI, HR
2017 Fountain / Fontana - Goran Vojnovič / SI, Arsmedia
2015 Two, One / Dva, ena - Peter Bratuša / Felina Film, Viba, TVSlo
2014 Mario was watching the sea with love - Svetlana Dramlič / Arkadena, RTVSlo
2014 Azra - Gregor Andolšek / AAtalanta, Arkadena
2012 Amelija - Blaž Završnik / AGRFT, Viba Film
2012 Squared / Na kvadrat - Radoslav Jovanov Gonzo / HAVC, Propeler Film
2011 Gnats, ticks and bees / Mušice, krpelji i pćele / Hana Jušić / HAVC
2011 The House / Hiša na Jurčkovi / Matjaž Ivanišin / Emotion Film, Vertigo)
2010 The Smart Girls / Pametnice / Hana Jušić, Sonja Tarokić
2009 Red / Crveno / Sonja Tarokić (ADU)
2009 Three, Two, One / Tri, dva, jedan / Igor Šeregi (ADU)
2014 Karpotrotter / Karpopotnik / Matjaž Ivanišin (Studio Legen, RTVSlo)
2012 A girl and a tree / Deklica in drevo / Vlado Škafar (Gustav Film, SFC)
2023 VESNA Award for Best Cinematography (Safe Place) Slovene FF
2023 GOLDEN ARENA Award for Best Cinematography (Safe Place) Pula FF
2021 IRIS Award for Best Cinematography (The Last Socialist Artefact) Slovene Association of Cinematographers
2022 CYIFF Award for Best Cinematography in a First Feature Film (Inventura) Cyprus International Film Festival
2021 GOLDEN ARENA Award for Best Cinematography (The Dawn) Pula FF
2019 IRIS Award for Best Cinematography (I Am Frenk) Slovene Association of Cinematographers
2018 IRIS Award for Best Cinematography (The Last Day of Rudolf Nietche - short) Slovene Association of Cinematographers
2018 PRESERN FOUND Award - The highest decoration in the field of Arts by Slovenian Ministry of Culture
2017 IRIS Award for Best Cinematography (Ivan) Slovene Association of Cinematographers Award
2017 VESNA Award for Best Cinematography (Ivan & The Basics of Killing) Slovene FF
2016 VESNA Award for Best Cinematography (Mother) Slovene FF
2015 IRIS Award for Best Cinematography (The High Sun) Slovene Association of Cinematographers
2015 Yuri Marukhin Memorial Award for Best Cinematography (The High Sun) Minsk IFF Listapad
2015 VESNA Award for Best Cinematography (The High Sun) Slovene FF
2010 VESNA Award for Best Cinematography (Dad) Slovene FF